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Click here for the DEFRA Registration of Premises form for those fanciers exhibiting at the World Show etc

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COM-UK Federation was launched in May 2011 through the union of the National Council for Aviculture (NCA) and the International Ornithological Association (IOA) to encourage more UK fanciers to take part in International and World Shows.

COM founded in 1952 comprised originally of 16 countries to foster international competition and has now grown into a vigorous organisation with member states all over the world. Annual exhibitions around Europe "the World Show" now number more than 20,000 plus exhibits each year.

The National Council for Aviculture was formed in 1945 and is now the umbrella organisation for all cage bird enthusiasts catering for British Birds, Budgerigars, Canaries and Foreign Bird Fancies. Its prime objective is to promote the welfare, study, breeding, development and exhibition of birds within a managed environment.  

The International Ornithological Association was formed in 1955 by the Roller Canary fancy to enable them to contest their birds with their European neighbours, under the Roller Canary Union. This then became an Association recognising that this could be open to all breeds of birds to be staged at International and World Shows. The IOA's distinctive stand can be seen at avicultural shows and exhibitions throughout the UK and Europe.

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